Jesus looked at them and said, “With man, this is impossible, but with God, all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26

Dr. Tabatha's Story

"I vowed to never let anyone go through their health journey alone or without options. This commitment has been the cornerstone of my medical practice and personal mission."

Dr. Tabatha's Story

“Fasting is the act of abstaining from food for a period of time. Fasting reminds us of our flesh, of our desires, and of our shortcomings as human beings. Fasting is meant to bring us closer to God. He wants us to rely on Him every day, in everything we do. That’s what it means to have a relationship with Him.” - Dr. Tabatha

Dr. Tabatha's Story
Mission to Empower and Heal banner

“When you have an ongoing emotional relationship with God, your cells hear those words and receive chemical messages from the feelings of hope and faith that you feel. Reading the Bible and nourishing your mind with the living, breathing Word has an incredible impact on our physical health.” -Dr. Tabatha

“Fasting is a beautiful way to connect with God and show Him that you trust the body He created for you.” - Dr. Tabatha